“There are different kinds of darkness. There is the darkness that frightens, the darkness that soothes, the darkness that is restful. There is the darkness of lovers, and the darkness of assassins. It becomes what the bearer wishes it to be- needs it to be. It is not wholly bad or good.”

Zamis Dhoro

Zamis or Zami :Name
Appears Late 20's :Age
Cis Male :Gender
Pansexual :Sexuality Preference for Masc-Presenting Characters
Au Ra - Xaela :Race
7'5" (229cm) :Height
350Ibs (141kg) :Weight
Trees, Rain, Nature :Scent
Reaper :Main Class
Voice Claim

Excellent Fighter - Acute Hearing - Strong - Helpful - Curious About Others - Slow to Anger - Patient

Profession: Bartender and whatever he can get (not a WOL character)
Personality: (That he puts on for strangers) Quiet at first - Confident - Goofy - Kind and Carefree
Features: Sharp teeth - always blindfolded - claws - void-touched scales
Relationship: Taken

Reckless - Stubborn - Comes off Unapproachable - Cheap to a Fault - Closed Off - Emotional Unawareness

Zamis is not usually one to approach others, the appearance of his scales and the public's prejudice against anything to do with the void teaching him to keep to himself. Though he comes off as quiet and distant, feel free to approach him if you happen to see him. He enjoys conversing with people, and loves listening to tales of others' adventures. If you were curious about why he wears a blindfold, you'd have to buy him a few drinks first to get that story. He refuses to speak about why his scales look the way they do, so if you were to ask him questions about it, be prepared to have the subject very blatantly changed, or be given a flat-out refusal. He loves helping people with anything they need for the right price- be it recklessly throwing himself into battle, or something more simple- like helping move merchandise. Conversation is always free, though, so feel free to approach him and start one up!


»Free.. Anything«
See him sitting alone in a bar or venue? Want to get to know him better? Simply buy him a drink or food to get him talking! Zamis enjoys anything free, and if you're nice enough to buy him a round, he'll be happy to strike up a conversation with you.

Does your character also have a voidsent, or voidsent lineage? Though Zamis is very opposed to talking about his, others that have anything to do with the void fascinate him and makes him want to learn more. So if you're interested in a lot of leading plot to learn about his, this hook could work well!

»Body for Hire«
Do you need help killing a stray voidsent? Obtaining materials? That extra touch of security for travels? With the right price (any price, really- he's not going to turn it down), Zamis is your guy! If he's paid, he's willing to discuss and do any kind of job you can think of.

»Au Ra (Dhoro Tribe) History«
Zamis is in a constant need to find out more about his tribe, because events in his life made it so he doesn't have much memory of his childhood. Perhaps an Au Ra with his namesake, or one who's particularly knowledgeable about Xaela tribes (or the Steppe in general), could help him fill in the details he's long forgotten.

»OOC Info

»Hiya! So- it's much preferred if you approach me OOC in game to discuss RP unless my RP tag is on, then approach however you prefer! If I find your character interesting enough, I'll approach you myself. I only RP with characters/people ages 20+, so do not talk to me about possible RP if you or your character are younger than that. Zamis has dark themes that are not appropriate for certain ages. I'm down for long term or oneshot RP's, there's no limit to that. Long term I usually like moving to a mix of Discord (feel free to ask for it!) and in-game. Also I will cut off any ongoing or planned RP without hesitation if I find you have an issue separating IC and OOC. Ain't happening. Also, communication is key! Please talk to me if you have any issues, I will always listen! I've been RPing for years now and love sharing Zamis with others, so please don't be shy to approach me if you see me out in the wild with any and all ideas you have!((Also, if you took the time to read all of that I gift you a gold heart ♡))»Please note that Zamis is very hard to get to know on a deeper level. To begin seeing underneath the surface, it will require long-term RP and some effort! His backstory is extensive, and even he doesn't know some pieces of it.

Unusual Features: Very long scaled tongue, viscous saliva, four rows of sharp shark teeth, claws, cracked and scarred scales, does not take off the blindfold under almost all circumstances, giant, alligator-like tail that can and will be a hazard at some point.Notes: I am open to almost all dark themes so please don't be afraid to ask! I am generally very open minded, so I won't judge if you have an idea that's more out there. It never hurts to inquire!